Young people in the UK can be socially excluded for a variety of reasons including neglect, illness, learning difficulties, poverty, crime and abuse. Research shows these young people are least likely to volunteer due to a perceived lack of resource, encouragement or self-belief.
This means they then miss out on the endless proven benefits such as improved wellbeing, cultural awareness and skills development, all essential for improving social mobility and creating a route out of exclusion.
We aim to tackle this by actively seeking out these groups and offering carefully structured programmes of practical education, inspiration and resource to encourage involvement with volunteering linked to our partner projects.The programme prides itself on the development of empathy; communication skills; and the enjoyment of school.
Contact us to request full evaluation reports. It is important to note that in the interest of sustainability we request that education or community organisations cover the costs of the programme unless hardship prevents them from doing so, in which case a grant may be sought.
Every programme is personalised to the individual children involved, so please contact us for further information about running a programme in your school or community organisation.